India Islamic Academy Deoband IIAD
Deoband Based Pan India Islamic Research institute Established In Jan 2017,a continuation of the chain of sacred madrassas that have transferred the legacy of knowledge from one generation to another.This institute was founded to preserve and deliver knowledge to men and women of all ages from all over the world.That is why the institute has launched A 3 year degree program It follows a comprehensive.
3 year Online Ilme Deen (Short Term Alim Alima)Diploma program covering the following subjects:

Arabic Grammar (Syntax and Morphology)
Arabic Literature (Speech, Composition, and Rhetoric)
Islamic Theology (‘Aqidah)
Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh)
Fiqh (Jurisprudence)
Ulum al-Hadith (Sciences of Hadith Interpretation)
Hadith (Prophetic Traditions)
Usul al-Tafsir (Principles of Exegesis)
Tafsir al-Quran (Exegesis)
Sirah (Prophetic Biography)
History (History Of Islam,History Of Muslim Movements)
Social Studies (Social,Legal And political Needs In Current Era)
More About India Islamic Academy Deoband-IIAD

Semester 1 (6Month’s)
ARB 101:Arabic Composition
“دروس اللغۃ العربیہ“ Arabic Course, Vol 1.SRF101:Sarf (Arabic Morphology)
“من کنوز الصرف” آسان صرف اول Treasures Of Arabic MorphologyNHW 101:Nahw (Arabic Grammar)
“آسان نحو اول“ Aasan Nahw Volume 1FQH 101:Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence)
“الفقہ المیسر“ Al Fiqh Ul Muyassar کتاب الطہارۃ،کتاب الصلاۃTFS 101:Tafsir (Quranic Exegesis)
Mari full Quran,Aasan Tarjama QuranChapters
Surah Fatiha, Surah Naba To Surah Al Nas.HAD 101:Hadith (Prophetic Traditions)
“الاربعین النووی“ Forty HadithSemester 2 (6 Month’s)
ARB 102:Arabic Composition
The intermediate Arabic language Concepts are thought using the renowned Islamic University Darul Uloom Deoband,s Arabic Course.
“القراۃ الواضحہ”
Al Qirat ul Waziha, Vol:02
LIT 102:Arabic Literature
“قصص النبیین“ Stories Of the Prophets Val 1,2NHW 102:Nahw (Arabic Grammar)
The basics concepts of Arabic grammar.
Aasan Nahw Volume 2
“لسان القرآن“
Lisaan Ul Qur,an
FQH 102 :Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence)
“نور الایضاح“ Nurul EidahTFS 102:Tafsir (Qur,anic Exegesis)
28,29 Valumes From Quran E Kareem(Year 2)
Semester 3 (6Month’s)
Arabic Literature
Covers the lives of the prophets (PBUH). Students will learn Arabic grammar (Nahw) and morphology (Sarf) as well as work on their speaking skills.
“قصص النبیین’
Qasas un Nabiyyin Val 3&4
Hifz e Quran With Tajweed {Surah Zuha To Surah Naas ]
HAD 103:Hadith(Prophetic Traditions)
The Purpose of this course is to give the student an introduction to the study of hadith in specific and Arabic language in general. Students will learn the basics of Arabic grammar and morphology through this course and will be expected to memorize each hadith with translation and be able to explain the depth of its meaning as well.
مشکوۃ الآثار
Miskat ul Aasar
FQH 103: Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence)
Continuation of the Islamic law. Covers Marriage laws, divorce laws, and transaction laws.
“مختصر القدوری (کتاب البیوع” کتاب النکاح،کتاب الطلاق)
Mukhtasar Al-Qudoori
TFS 103: Tafsir (Qur’anic Exegesis)
26،27 پارے مکمل 26,27 Valumes From Quran E Kareem
Semester 4 (6 Month’s)
AQD 201: Aqeedah ( Islamic Doctrine)
A general introduction to Islam, its fundamental beliefs tenest, and concepts. Defines the importance of ‘Aqidah(creed)in the life of Muslims, The role of the messengers of Allah in consolidating the ‘Aqidah of tawhid, The prophet Muhammad’s (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) Message of Tawhid and its comparison to other concepts of God, the article of faith: the oneness of God angels, Holy scriptures, Messengers, Qadr and the Resurrection Significance of belief in them and impact on human personality, culture, and society.
العقیدۃ الطحاویۃ
Al Aqeeda Al Tahawiyyah
FQH 201: Fiqh(Islamic jurisprudence)
Continuation of the Islamic laws.
المختصر القدوری”معاملات،کتاب البیوع وغیرہ
Mukhtasar Al Qudoori
TFS 201:Tafsir (Qur’anic Exegesis)
Jalalain Shareef Val 1UST 201:Usul al-Tafsir (principle of Exegesis)
الفوز الکبیر فی اصول التفسیرSER 103: Seerah (Biography of the Prophet)
This course is a self study. Continuation of the life of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Students will be required to read assigned Chapters and complete exercise and assignments on their own.
Book :
الرحیق المختوم
The Sealed Necter
USF 201: Usul al – fiqh (principle of jurisprudence)
Taachs in the methods of extracting rules (Istinbat al-ahkam) from the texts the evidence over which the jurists differed and conflicts of evidence and methods of resolving them.the course is designed to discuss related issues on a basic level covering,
Usool Ul Shashi
اصول الشاشی
(Year 3)Semester 5 (6 Months)
TSF 202 : Tafsir (Qur’anic exegesis)
جلالین شریف جلد اول و دوم Jalalayn vol 1.2FQH 202:Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence)
الہدایۃ” منتخب ابواب “Al Hidayah”UFS 202: Usul Al-Fiqh (principle of exegesis)
اصول الشاشی Usul Ash shashiMER 202: Meerath (Inheritance Laws)
السراجی فی المیراث” منتخب ابواب As siraji fil MeerathULH 202: Ulum al-Islam Hadith (Principles of Hadith)
Studant will study the many sciences of hadith literature, including hadith nomenclature, Chain and text Criticism, accreditation of hadith narrators, the history of hadith compilation, ect.
Book :
Muqaddimah Miskhat Al Masawbin Nukhbat Al Fikar.
مقدمہ مشکوۃ المصابیح و نخبۃ الفکر

Semester 6 (6 Months)
TFS 203:Tafsir (qur’anic Exegesis)
جلالین شریف Jalalayn Vol 2.HAD 203: Hadith (prophetic Traditions)
Prepares students for their final Dawrah Hadith year. The course introduces hadiths from Siha Sitta, Sunan Daarmi, Musnad Ahmed, etc. This course enables students to grasp the material more easily in their final year.
مشکوۃ المصابیح
Miskhat Al Masawbih. Vol 1
مشکاۃ المصابیح
Miskhat Al Masawbih. Vol 2
Course Features